paper flowersUnfortunately, most posters here think Apple always acts in the best interests of its customers. Kind of cute, actually.
If you find it cute, why is it unfortunate? Or were you just trying to be condescending?:rolleyes:
I've seen no evidence that MOST posters think Apple ALWAYS acts in the best interest of its customers. Apple generally tries to keeps its customers happy, though, as do all (successful) companies.
Jeff Rudell. ThisYo! check out this key clause to Amazon's Terms Of Use >
5.2.Our Right to Access Your Files.
You give us the right to access, retain, use and disclose your account information and Your Files: to provide you with technical support and address technical issues; to investigate compliance with the terms of this Agreement, enforce the terms of this Agreement and protect the Service and its users from fraud or security threats; or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service or comply with applicable law.
WTF ???!!!
Thank you for digging that out. Obviously no one should ever use this. Uploading your stuff to their servers = unlimited access by them to your stuff.
Great. No thanks, Amazon. Not that I trust Apple more than you (I don't), but you make it clear that you likely will access people's documents, files, photos, audio.
You'll get the dumb squad to sign up for your crap. They always come out whenever there is something bad to sign up for.
How to Make Tissue PaperRebelScum
Apr 20, 09:06 AM
1)So I'll have fun with a Galaxy S2 while the gullible remain in denial.
So if I said the Galaxy S feels like it was made by Fisher Price, in that it feels cheap, too light, over-designed, kind of goofy-looking, and therefore a monumental piece of crap when coupled with Android's battery-sucking OS and Samsung's baffling UI, would you take that as a statement of fact, or just another cue that everything is subjective?
Not that I hate Android phones. Far from it. My wife has one. She thinks it's "neat". I agree. She also thinks the battery life is a PITA and the inability to sync on a Mac is just plain stupid. I, again, agree.
EDIT: I just watched a review for the Galaxy S2. The only thing new I took away from it was "Wow, there might be something to this Apple/Samsung lawsuit after all."
Tutorial: Tissue Paper FlowersI'm definitely holding out for Merom now since it seems like it's coming within the month. Customers Christmas shopping will compare laptops across all brands and if Apple isn't sporting a Merom they're gonna lose a lot of laptop sales. And I'm willing to wait since OS X 10.5 is even more 64-bit than 10.4 is, I'd be nice to have a 64-bit processor instead of a 32-bit processor running a 64-bit OS (yes i know 10.5 will run on 32-bit processors), although the overall benefits are up to discussion.
So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna buy the memory today (long story I have to spend within the week 200 dollars store credit at CompUSA) and put it in the Macbook when I get it, hopefully within the month.
I'm correct in assuming that Yonah and Merom takes the EXACT same type/speed of ram right?
As far as I know there are now only two types of RAM in the lineup. 667 DDR2 in the Mac mini, iMac, MB, MBP and FB-DIMS in the Mac Pro and Intel Xserve. A local dealer I spoke to loves this. It really makes stocking RAM much easier.
paper flowersKnightWRX
Apr 20, 07:10 AM
It might be named iPhone 5 but it will essentially be an iPhone 4S/iPad 2 style update.
And that update is still an iPhone 5 style update. iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 are the same thing. One just refers to a potential marketing name, the other to the generation of the device.
I don't get what is so hard to grasp here. The iPhone 3G was not the iPhone 3 at all, it was the iPhone 2 (and some would argue, the iPhone 1,2).
Embellish center of flowersbwillwall
Apr 24, 08:12 AM
That really is such a bad idea :(
Can you imagine the terrible usability in having a screen tilted on it's back and having to lift our arms up to do finger painting.
Who wants to cover their display with their hands?
lol both of you guys, its called the iPad... by the way Apple made it very clear that touchscreen laptops dont work well.
to make paper flowers.The Bluetooth only works when the iPhone is in the cradle and the ignition is turned on. When you turn off the ignition, the Bluetooth turns off. If you have the iPhone in your pocket the Car Kit Bluetooth will not connect.
I guess I see the connection to the ignition, but only activating when there is a phone in cradle seems like a strange use of bluetooth ... why not use hardwire connection to eliminate any potential for interference ... or open up and allow use as speaker phone in car regardless of phone in cradle
I don't believe Magellan uses bluetooth in this way
Make your own Victorian paperPopeye206
Apr 18, 03:12 PM
I love the negative comments... you don't even know the details of the lawsuit and what IP Apple is trying to protect. You do know, that is the whole point of patenting things is so you can protect it.
Obviously, there are companies out there that are patent trolls, but a company trying to protect IP is different and valid if they have a valid claim.
It's good to see Apple doing it so soon. Some companies like the recent Kodak lawsuit against Apple and others, looks valid, but they waited years until their were millions of devices out there using their IP. That is low.
If Apple gets damages based on Tab sales, they'll probably see $20 from the suit! :p
tissue paper flowers how toAnd the 'antenna problems' were a media and hater frenzy, nothing more.
Doesn't matter. I'm an 'ignorant' consumer.
little paper flowers,Well I was taught using BEDMAS and that gives me 288. I learned to go with my first choice.
12 Paper Flowers Ready to MakeI am curious tho, if people placed their orders now and lets say the new mbp comes out on the 19th, then how will they adjust the specs and price for the one you ordered and the one that ships? Will they contact you ahead of time or just send you a similar spec based on your price?
Any ideas? :o
I ordered my iPod literally the day before the changeover. They then emailed me with the option of keeping original order (with new pricing) or changing to new one (and lose student rebate option). They have a 'transition' page and everything to make your decision, so I would assume they'd do the same with active MBP orders.
Mar 27, 05:58 AM
won't it suck if there isn't a new iPhone until Oct?
that's an understatement.
Paper flowers are such an easyAppleInLVX
May 4, 03:56 PM
How hard would it be for wifi/app store to be baked into every Mac going forward? That is, if you wipe the machine, turn it on, and the first thing it does (after the logo) is detect Wifi, connect and offer the app store along with basic disc utilities right on the memory chip?
Mind you, it wouldn't help existing macs... hrm.
Paper Flowers - for your houseYou can always donate to the federal reserve. Don't let me stop you!
US Treasury not Federal Reserve.
Tissue-Paper FlowersMobileMe + iAds = FREE
MobileMe + Pro Features = $99.99
to make these flowers in:rolleyes:
Well, my generation, we dont need wheel barrows!
We get 10MB/s connections.
chinese paper flowersLooks like it's gonna just be Lion and iOS 5.
recycled paper flowersFirstly, your perspective would change completely if you ever decide to invest or trade. I don't want hedge funds going for more risk. That is what contributed to the housing bust and mortgage backed securities. I am completely self taught as a trader and investor. In fact, I don't know a single other person who does what I do. And when I do meet someone who works in finance, they are usually just a cog, and I have nothing in common with them.
Of course people don't "want" risk. But, again, you MISSED THE POINT. Let's try again. People want to take their savings and invest it in the safest investment with the return they desire. If US treasuries beat the stock market, no one would trade stocks If trading in established fortune 500 companies beat out riskier investments, would anyone trade riskier stocks? The answer is probably someone foolish would, but the majority will invest in the safest investment that will provide the rate of return desired. If taxes reduce the rate of return of the safer investments, people naturally begin investing in riskier propositions that have the potential to generate higher rates of return.
Have you ever represented a company so that it can sell its ownership interests to the public, or have you ever represented the investors in an IPO? Your perspective would change if you ever had. Your assumption that I don't invest is pretty silly considering just about anyone can do it.
Secondly, and more importantly, I don't think a person should have to give a good reason to be able to do anything. Unless you can prove that a person's actions causes harm to others, why attack it? How is taxing something at the same rate as other income an attack? Oh no, you're treating my capital gains income the same as everyone elses income! I'm under attack! Poor me! The government is no longer going to subsidize my gambling on the success or failure of someone else's established business. Boo hoo.
Our legal system works that way; the burden of proof is always on the accuser not the accused. Really? That's not true. What about administrative hearings where the burden is on the accused to overcome a prima facie case? (FYI, for a good example of this concept, look at the situation with the proposed rules regarding copyright owners and the presumption that you are pirating if you receive a letter from them accusing you).
How to Make Tissue PaperLet's face it, it's going to be pretty hard to get excited about new computer hardware from Apple going forward, at least until we see something revolutionary in display technology (Apple has some pretty wild patents pending, so this is a possibility). The machines will get faster on a regular schedule now. I think boring and predictable from the perspective of processor power increases is a welcome change in the Mac user world.
Here is what I think would be exciting from Apple:
- A cell phone that doesn't suck. Oh, and include a PDA that can run Blackberry and Palm apps, but has a better core OS and interface. Oh, and make it an iPod when you flip it over.
- Leopard is a complete mystery. They've kept the lid very tight on any news about its features and improvements. I think we will see dramatic speed increases (benefits of the new kernel API introduced in Tiger plus Intel compilers). Please, Apple, beat MS to market with a resolution-independent interface. How about developer tools that make it far easier to migrate Windows apps to the Mac - that would be huge. I mean, the Mac OS is complete; you can make it lot more performant and tweak the interface a bit, but that's about all. Apple needs to focus on developers and developer mindshare like a laser beam. As Monkeyboy Ballmer says (sweating profusely and foaming at the mouth), "DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS!"
- iChat AV for Windows. They have the best consumer video conferencing software out there. Get some traction for iChat before Vista comes on the scene and its solution becomes the standard.
- iCash - Intuit has not kept up with the Windows version of Quicken (haven't seen the 2007 version) and it's just a really weak app. How about some money management software that rocks? The home market is huge for Apple and that is one of the most important apps for adult home users.
- .Mac is weak. Sorry, it just is. It seems like there is so much more they could do.
Aug 4, 06:36 AM
This is great and bad at the same time for me. I'm so happy that they'll finally move to Merom. However, I've been holding off an MBP since mid-April. I was really hoping to get one after WWDC. If it's true that they may launch it in September, I may not be able to get it in time for school, and the ipod rebate may be over.
No kidding. I've been waiting for the merom mbp since they came out in Feb. Check out my signature. that computer is virtually dead. yeah thats another thing. If they dont update the MBP at WWDC, they may not be available until after the ipod student rebate deal is over. That would SUCK.
I'm with you -X-
Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?
Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.
Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:
Well I have a 17" Intel Imac and would sell it in a heart beat for a merom conroe setup if a better video-card was involved. X1800 or something to that extent.
The clock speed alone from my 1.8ghz yonah to a 2.3ghz meron or a 2.4ghz conroe would be over 60% speed increase. That is not including the over 20% increase from architecture change. We would be talking about a 80% to 100% increase speed on most apps when you consider clock speed increase and architecture change. :eek:
Mind you it must have a videocard change as I am looking to never buy a pc gaming rig again. I currently have a A64 3000+ OCED at 2.4ghz with a x800xl and a gig of ram. If the Imac is twice as fast as my current gaming machine then I am sold. If not then Mac Pro would be the machine for me.
I no longer want to spend $1500 on a mac $1500 on a gaming pc. When I can get a faster mac at $2500 and at the same time dual-boot that machine and get a gaming rid simultaneously. Lower price all together and a faster machine.
Of course if the Imac has a better video-card then it I only need to spend $1600. :)
Sep 11, 01:24 AM
EDIT - And don't say "Common" when you mean "Come on."
I stand corrected - probably should have said 'C'mon'.
If its only downloadable movies I think there will be Nothing for Aus, so I will join you in the 'meh'.
Mar 29, 07:02 PM
I uploaded an album from one of my iTunes folders and Amazon sorted them alphabetically. I didn't see a way to maintain the track order so I created a playlist and dragged the songs into it one by one in track number order.
That was really awkward. Is there an easier way to do this or didn't they consider that songs within albums have track numbers?
If the mp3s have track information embedded in them, they maintain correct order when you upload them. Songs you've downloaded from iTunes should be fine. If it's stuff you stole from somewhere else, who knows who encoded it or what settings they used.
Dec 24, 06:39 AM
With Sophos, users may find heaviness in different ways.
The default number of WorkerThreads seems to make the system unusable for some users of the current version of Sophos. That's heaviness of one sort.
A higher number of WorkerThreads, for which there's no GUI, will use resources in a different way. That's heaviness of a different sort.
A system that's consistently usable is a must, so for as long as there's uncertainty around I should recommend approaching SAV with caution, and with readiness to work around things from the command line.
I didn't run into any such problem. I did notice an appreciable decrease in performance when using Kaspersky though. Sophos only slowed down my Mac on startup. But so far the only antivirus which doesn't noticeably slow down the system on startup seems to be ESET, after some tweaking.