
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

american idol pia toscano pics

american idol pia toscano pics. Pia Toscano and Lauren Alaina
  • Pia Toscano and Lauren Alaina

  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 11, 10:08 AM


    My dad is gonna get one as soon as it comes out.

    I hope it looks NOTHING like the mock ups we have seen.

    american idol pia toscano pics. Top billing: American Idol
  • Top billing: American Idol

  • fivepoint
    Apr 27, 03:25 PM
    I'd be fascinated to know exactly what you did to "discover" those layers, 5P. I have Photoshop and Illustrator too. Guess what? One layer. Nothing selectable. At least one of us is talking complete bollocks.

    Open the file in illustrator, use the white arrow (not black) tool, and the individual layers or objects will be individually selectable. If you look at the word 'none' in the center of the document for example, you'll see that part of the word is darker than the other, one part is on one layer, the other is separate. I just don't understand how this would normally happen on a simple scanned PDF.

    Like I said... Computer / operator fail @ OCR usage.


    EDIT: although I do have to issue another "rollseyes" face at the people who dismiss 5P because "they tried but saw no layers".

    I tried, I discovered layers.

    Fact: There are "layers" if you can even call them that.
    Another Fact: They mean nothing.

    You're probably right... it's probably some type of OCR epic fail.
    Also, it's not a fact. I'm a liar, you're a liar, if you don't think there's only one layer, you're a liar.

    Since the messenger (you) has expressed huge distaste for Obama on almost a daily basis, I'd say my assumptions are fair.

    Yes, I think Obama is a horrible president. That doesn't mean he was born in Kenya. Enough with the overly dramatic defense mechanisms. Just because you love the guy doesn't mean you get to live in a fairlytale world where he has no flaws, or he can't be questioned or criticized in the least. Why not focus on figuring out why the document is weird so we can all move on!?!? Do you just have fun laying down baseless attacks for no reason instead? It's a simple question - aimed at graphic artists who know what they're talking about (not you) - so why even discuss it other than to disrupt this issue, misdirect the conversation, and accuse me lying?

    He didn't discover anything, he just bought in to the reactionary right wing propaganda spreading like wildfire on the internet.

    If I had 'bought into it' I would have been on here saying, "look, look, it's a fake! He's not a citizen! Here's proof!". To the contrary, I said from the very beginning that there was likely a simple explanation and that I wanted to hear such an explanation which I think MattSepta (unlike the rest of you) has begun to offer. Are there any other expert opinions out there on this issue? I had hoped this issue would be laid to rest at this point, I almost think it's going to get worse based on what I'm seeing out there. :(

    american idol pia toscano pics. Pia Toscano was eliminated
  • Pia Toscano was eliminated

  • mcrain
    Mar 23, 02:59 PM
    "Lying" implies intent. Are you accusing them of lying, or getting it wrong? They absolutely lied, and they got stuff wrong. I believe there was malevolent intent, and to the extent that can't be proven, there was clear reckless disregard for the truth.

    Is it your position that Libya represents a larger danger to American assets/security than Iraq? If not, is it your suggestion that America should be involved in every humanitarian crisis with brutal dictators worldwide, or at least those comparable to Libya? If so, why aren't we in North Korea? Why aren't we in any number of African nations? There are many in the mainstream media and many on the left who are saying today that there are problems. Asking why we didn't go into other African countries, criticizing the coalition and the idea that this is "minimal" US involvement. I'm not claiming the left is perfect, but rather pointing out that your claim (re: hipocricy from 'the left in media') is far too broad and ignores the realities of the media coverage and congressional responses.

    But I also think it's important (especially in this forum) to point out hypocrisy stemming from the left so that the Macrumors Echo Chamber doesn't keep you all in denial. I've been in these forums for a long time, and I can tell you that while some denial occurs, liberals are far more likely to be critical of the politicians they support than conservatives are.

    american idol pia toscano pics. Beverly Hills. Stunning:
  • Beverly Hills. Stunning:

  • antster94
    Mar 22, 12:44 PM
    Competition is good.

    american idol pia toscano pics. J.Lo Shocked Over Pia Toscano
  • J.Lo Shocked Over Pia Toscano

  • Xenious
    Jul 14, 05:27 PM
    Dual drive slots are cool, but the design is boring. Don't get me wrong I love my G5 powermac I was just hoping for a new or different design for the next ones...Maybe the same but square or smaller or something. Oh well it doesn't matter I'm still buying. :)

    american idol pia toscano pics. quot;American Idolquot; castoff Pia
  • quot;American Idolquot; castoff Pia

  • 63dot
    Aug 17, 08:21 PM
    Lastly, OS X will always be superior to Windows based on the fact that it's built on a UNIX foundation. If I'm not mistaken, Windows code has just built on top of existing code year-after-year. :mad: I think the OS X was a fresh build.

    windows has been, in the past building on existing code for many years and the last incarnation was windows ME, which followed windows 3.x, 95, 98, and 98SE

    windows XP is built from windows 2000 which was built from windows NT which was written in what microsoft calls "NT" code, similar to UNIX but not as good, but more stable than the widely used windows 95/98

    and os x is superior, and easier to use, than anything from microsoft

    american idol pia toscano pics. Pia Toscano Eliminated from
  • Pia Toscano Eliminated from

  • mactoday
    Apr 6, 10:55 AM
    Since you have no clue how the sandy bridge airs will perform, I'll take your statement as FUD.
    Actually 320m performs better then Intel 3000, so the dude is right that graphics chip in SB is slower.

    american idol pia toscano pics. Pia Toscano was voted off by
  • Pia Toscano was voted off by

  • Evangelion
    Jul 15, 10:37 AM
    1) This is all rumour and speculation...
    2) At the price that OEMs charge for memory, less RAM is better. We can fill it with whatever we pick.

    Let's see.... If I could choose between two identical compter, one having 512MB of RAM and costing $1799, and the other having 1GB of RAM and costing $1799, I should buy the one with less RAM because then I could "pick my own RAM"?

    And do I have to remind you that Woodcrests use FB-DIMM RAM, and those aren't really available that widely yet.

    american idol pia toscano pics. American+idol+pia+toscano+
  • American+idol+pia+toscano+

  • VesperDEM
    Aug 25, 03:33 PM
    I have a 3 month old MacBook and a shiny new Mac Pro. No problems with the systems at all. When I got the Mac Pro, one of the RAM cards needed to be reseated, but that is expected with shipping.

    The one time I called Apple support, it took about 20 minutes to get someone and I had solved the problem before the tech got there.

    I verified that I solved the problem correctly and went on my way.

    My joy was that the tech was American, or at least a person that spoke perfect English.

    The problem with the surveys that they take is that I would suspect most satisfied customers don't fill them out, and the ones that are not satisfied after make sure to fill them out.

    Let's face it, since the Intel line started coming out, there have been over 1 million units sold. Half of that number are new to Macintosh. If we are talking 10,000 unsatisfied customers, that's still only 2% of all the "new" customers and 1% of all the customers that have bought an Intel based system.

    american idol pia toscano pics. /american-idol-pia-toscano
  • /american-idol-pia-toscano

  • Kirkmedia
    Aug 11, 10:51 AM
    iPhone = bad idea and difficult to implement beyond the USA.

    I think it will be harder to implement in the USA and easier in Europe.

    american idol pia toscano pics. pia toscano ethnicity american
  • pia toscano ethnicity american

  • rotarydialz
    Apr 27, 08:58 AM
    correct. wasn't sure how long it would take for people in general to get up in arms about location privacy on the idevices... what did people think was going to happen??

    such it is, our electronic tethers are really leashes.

    It's not very accurate information apparently. I would like to know just how accurate this location tracking is before I get too excited.

    american idol pia toscano pics. American idol#39;s Pia Toscano
  • American idol#39;s Pia Toscano

  • Dusky600
    Apr 25, 04:03 PM
    totally expected. theres always a gold digger out there

    on another note. people should **** and buy a basic phone and cancel there internet subscription if there paranoid to this point, they should probably also stop using there iphones, someone should go there and take there iphones away "your whinning about it so no phones for you !" cause i bet there still using them like theres no tomorrow

    american idol pia toscano pics. Pia Toscano
  • Pia Toscano

  • Erasmus
    Aug 27, 04:16 AM
    This is what we NEED:

    1. Computer with no fan. Quiet. Silent. CRITICAL.

    2. Modular computer to add a gorgeous Apple Cinema Display.

    3. At lesat two FireWire 800 ports.

    Then all the rest (power, etc).

    How loud is a present day iMac, Mac Pro or Mac Mini? They're not noisy are they? I never hear my dad's 17" Powerbook. I assume it has a fan.

    I wouldn't have thought modern macs would be noisy.

    And fanless macs, like my Cube are absolutely huge compared to what's in them. The convectin core takes up about half the computer. Fans are good, because they allow a computer to be small. I like fans, and I expect my iMac Ultra to have lots, but still be quiet. Like the Mac Pro.

    american idol pia toscano pics. Pia Toscano Dating Dancing
  • Pia Toscano Dating Dancing

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 09:55 AM
    And once again the Apple fans will turn out to have been correct.

    Really? The posters on here that say there was no issue are correct?

    I guess Apple fixing certain bugs related to this is whimtime.

    I guess it's all a matter of what part of the issue you deem important. The tracking, the retention or the ability to opt out

    american idol pia toscano pics. Idol,” Pia Toscano scores
  • Idol,” Pia Toscano scores

  • Vegasman
    Apr 25, 04:23 PM
    he didn't lie, Apple isn't tracking people, because the information doesn't get sent to Apple so his response was correct and truthful.

    Unless one of his malicious Geniuses lifts it off your daughters device when it's in for repair.

    Maybe the Genius is pissed off at your daughter (for no good reason of course). And maybe there is something in the database that can be used to create a nice little story to circulate around school. The kind of story nobody likes to hear about their daughter. The story doesn't have to be true because you know a little circumstantial evidence here and there... It adds up... And you know how kids are...

    Well, maybe it won't happen to YOU, but with enough iDevices out there, the stars will line up for somebody.

    All Apple has to do is follow what they teach you in computer privacy school: Secure personal information by default. It's simple really.

    american idol pia toscano pics. American Idol: Pia Toscano
  • American Idol: Pia Toscano

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 23, 06:11 AM
    Well, you only need to look at what happened with the gameboy to see that competition is good.

    After seeing off the game gear and lynx, the gameboy stagnated for almost a decade. How long did it take before there was a colour version? Years, yet we've seen some great revisions since the PSP was announced.

    Internet Explorer 6. Case closed on "competition is good". Seriously, that anyone would doubt it at this point is baffling.

    american idol pia toscano pics. Previous. Pia Toscano at the
  • Previous. Pia Toscano at the

  • gsander
    Jun 10, 10:05 AM
    You've got questions. We've got transistors.

    I don't think any Radio Shack sales people know what a transistor is.

    You got questions? We have cell phones.

    american idol pia toscano pics. Idol#39; Outcast Pia Toscano
  • Idol#39; Outcast Pia Toscano

  • Glideslope
    Apr 25, 03:50 PM
    i would bet anything that these two "customers" happen to also be lawyers.

    They just can't earn clean money, always have to rip some one to earn it.

    +1 ;)

    american idol pia toscano pics. Pia Toscano American Idol: Pia
  • Pia Toscano American Idol: Pia

  • Willis
    Jul 27, 03:58 PM
    It's always a little alarming when a post starts "sorry if I missed it but..."

    The 2.7 G5 will be the highest clocked chip in a mac for a while, but probably not the fastest. In a number of benchmarks, Yonah has already beaten dual G5's, the conroes and woodrests will likely widen the gap even more.

    true.... didnt the Macbook outrun a G5 in final cut studio or something?

    Aug 11, 01:13 PM

    Please let it be good so I can trash my Treo.

    Seriously! I can't wait to see Apple's Phone blow my treo out of the water.

    Sep 19, 12:15 AM
    G5 PowerBooks next tuesday :confused:

    That one never gets old :D

    Seriously though, I'm not holding my breath. Really not in the market for a notebook at the mo... But it'd still be sweet to get some updates. Keeps me feeling all warm and fuzzy :)

    Apr 27, 01:49 PM
    Who would think I'd support Bush? He's not conservative enough for me, and his administration spent to much.

    How much did government intervene in business affairs during the Roaring 20's? The government has already failed to do what it should do: It should promote the common good. I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Government had this country's best interests at heart when I hear Mrs. Pelosi say that to find out what's in Obamacare, you need to pass it.

    I know a lot about alcoholism and codependence because my mother is a nurse who specialized in treating alcoholics and other drug addicts and in counseling them. You don't help an alcoholic by protecting him from the consequences of his actions. The protection can help him make even bigger mistakes. I've seen that happen in many families I know of that include alcoholics. I also know about entitled welfare recipients who abuse social programs by demanding too much from social programs, by getting it, and by defrauding them. I saw the entitlement firsthand when a relative of mine was a landlord who rented houses to welfare recipients. Welfare recipients ruined a house, my relative kept the security deposit, and then the family got the Department of Social Services to put them into a house for twice the rent my relative charged. But the family still had the nerve to complain that my relative had overcharged it.

    Good points. All of them.

    not sarcasm^

    Aug 11, 03:41 PM
    Are you saying 99% of Europeans use cell phones or that 99% of Europe is cell-ready? If the former, then there must be a ton of kids yapping it up on the wireless. ;)

    I'm saying that every one and their dog has a cell phone in Europe. Really. Quite literally. ;)

    As soon as the kids goes to school they will get a phone and many people have several and machines utilizing mobile phones are getting more common, so in many countries the penetration number is now more than 100%.

    Apr 25, 04:43 PM
    Please, link me any evidence this is submitted to Apple.

    Apple only recently added the info into iTunes agreements, last year they where sued for collecting emails, chats and political views, this means they seriously can get access.

    BTW a the devices unique ids can be simulated and one can plant a crime on another if the authorities actually depended on it.